Tuesday, January 19, 2010

new year

So it's the new year and already I have failed at keeping up-to-date with this. My bad, please forgive me. So let's try to get everyone up-to-date with my life.

The holidays were good. Pretty relaxing. Once my father started to go into the hospital almost every christmas season, our christmas' became less formal. We don't open gifts on anymore on christmas morning. My mom usually doesn't have our presents wrapped anyways. I did get to open a gift from my aunt in utah on xmas eve, and got a scarf I had my eye on when I went out there in October. We also got to open 3 gifts xmas night. I got my new Twins jersey, the new away jersey. And also season 6 of One Tree Hill. Quite exciting for me.

Funny story. On my dad's side for christmas, I opened my grandma's gift up and found 2 tickets to Twinsfest. So right away I texted Ben because I was hoping he would go with me. Right after I texted him, he called me and told me how that was his christmas present to me and was just waiting for the tickets to come in the mail. Really funny but at the same time, really sweet because it was definitely a present I was going to love. :)

Most of my break was spent at work. It went by so fast. I got to spend a good chunk of my days not working with Ben so that was nice. Now my life is back to school during the week and coming home on the weekends to work. This weekend however I will not be going home. I have a leadership conference on Saturday and my cousin's girlfriend and her sister are coming down to visit Winona and get a tour of the campus. And I'm sure I will finally be able to go out on the town in Winona.

For now, I am watching Twins website to see what days I want to go to Twinsfest. And I am also checking when Luke Bryan's tickets for March in Mankato go on sale. Alright, I'm done for the night. I've been sick the past two days and hopefully going back tomorrow morning. I really hate being sick. Blah.